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School Council

School Council  


Having a School Council at Hook-with-Warsash means children can have their say and can make a difference to our school. 

The School Council is made up of one child from each class (years 1-6). These children have been democratically elected by their classmates to act as their class representative. The School Council meet regularly to discuss a variety of issues relating to the school. The School Council look at both school and wider community issues. They are the pupils' voice and play a valued part to play when making decisions about: the school buildings, the curriculum, lunch and play times and other important events. 

The School Council are also involved with the decision making process when it comes to the school’s charity and community work. All children contribute to each meeting by sharing ideas they have discussed with their classes over the previous weeks. 

Once a term, the year 6 School Council representatives are invited to talk to the school governing body to report on a range of activities undertaken by the pupils. 

  • Considerations for this academic year 

  • Outdoor reading zones for KS1 and KS2 

  • Re-opening the tuck shop 

  • Creating a rota for when KS2 can use the adventure playground and the bus 

  • Learning more about the role of local councils                                                                                         


The Warsash Bus


And...the bus has been built!


The bus was designed by children at the school. The school council announced that they felt the Infant playground needed to upgrade the train which was old and needed replacing. The infant children were invited to design a bus and the winning entries were put together to create the final project – which has seating downstairs and a jungle gym above. The children worked hard to raise the money for the bus. This included doing a sponsored spell, and organising a fund-raising day. The children love the new bus which gives them an area to play with their friends.
