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Chrissy Forder

Miss Chrissy Forder

After my parents begged me not to join the ‘stressful’ NHS, I completed 17 years as an acute medical sister and specialist nurse at Southampton General Hospital. I then moved with my family and settled in Warsash in 2016. I worked part-time as a local practice nurse and this allowed me to become more involved in our other company – Southern Solutions Ltd of which I am a director.

Working within the community, I feel that I have a good understanding of our local needs and hence my son started at the Academy. This increased my desire to become more involved.

I tackled work and life with determination, passion and a wicked sense of humour – but most of all I care.

I am a member of the Pupil Discipline Curriculum & Early Years Committee and I am the Governor with responsibility for Early Years and for Supporting Children with Medical Conditions.

I am a Parent Governor, appointed by the Full Governing Body and my term ends on 3rd May 2026


Pecuniary and other interests: none.

First appointed as a Governor: 4th May 2018

Committee Membership: Governance & Audit, Curriculum & Early Years (Vice-Chair) 

Other Responsibilities: Early Years, Supporting Children with Medical Needs

Term ends: 3rd May 2026


Updated October 2019

