Welcome to the PTFA section of our website.
Helping to look after our school and feeding the troops at Dig Days
Message from the current Chair -
“When my eldest child first started at school I just assumed that everything was provided by the local authorities. It was only when I started helping out at some of the fun events that I realised the school looks the way it does and has the great facilities it has, in part because of funds raised by the PTFA.
I didn’t become immediately involved with the group, I just supported on a small scale, I thought I was too busy to commit myself as I work pretty much full time and travel throughout the UK with work. But when I saw the benefits it provides I wanted to try and help more. As strange as it may sound, my time doing PTFA stuff helps my work-life balance because I get to involve my children in so many of the events.
It is great to talk to parents from other schools who say they don’t have a PTFA or they don’t raise many funds – that makes me really proud to be involved with the great work we do at Hook.”
What is the PTFA?
It is what it says on the tin – we are parents, teachers or friends of the school. We have an elected committee and members - parents with children attending the school, and the school staff, receive automatic membership.
We are a group of people who recognise the benefits the school brings and how we can help enhance that even further with extra funds and we therefore give up time to plan, attend, or take part in a wide variety of fundraising events.
The PTFA has been an integral part of the school community for many years.
What does the PTFA do?
We try to arrange events which can provide fun for families and help generate a real sense of community. If we also raise funds in doing this than that is there to be invested in the School in terms of providing facilities and equipment and contributing to projects for the benefit of all the children and the community in general.
In recent years some of the things the PTFA has funded are iPads in all classrooms; interactive white boards; climbing structures in the playground; Listen to Me Music sessions; partially funded the swimming lessons; class Christmas presents; year 6 leaving presents; refreshments for parties and sports days; allotment; a zany zebra; and, prizes for competitions for example for Easter bonnets.
What has the PTFA done recently?
Christmas and Summer Fairs
Cake Bakes
Mother’s/Father’s Day gift sales
Film Night
Circus Night
Parent’s Quiz Night
Coin counts
Tea towels and bags for life with the children’s pictures on them
Personalised Christmas Cards designed by the children
We are also always looking for new ideas, so we may see Nearly New Sales or winter festivals coming in the future.
How can you help?
There are lots of ways you can help, whether it is sparing half an hour to help on a stall at one of the fairs, or baking cakes for a cake bake, any support is welcome – here are a few areas:
Attend the meetings to help with the running of the PTFA
Help with the planning of certain fundraising and social events
Help at events, half an hour on a stall at the Christmas Fair or chaperoning the children on film night
Share with us your ideas of how to raise funds for the school
Finding a donation for the raffle or silent auction we usually run
Support organised events/activities – bake a cake or buy some raffle tickets
And don’t think that just because you help at one event you will be expected to pitch in on everything, we are happy to receive as much or as little help as you are prepared to give – in reality a lot of the events are fun to be involved in and we are a nice group, so you will enjoy the time you spend helping.
Who do I contact?
For more details about the PTFA, meeting times or for queries about upcoming events, please contact us via our email ptfa.hwwa@gmail.com
PTFA | ||
PTFA Role | Name | Child/Children in Class/classes |
Chair | Melissa Johnson | T/2H |
Vice Chair |
Treasurer | Lucy Parry | 1H |
Secretary | Kate Mardel | 2H |
Head Teacher | Sara Willoughby |
Teacher Representative |
The Christmas Fair
Prizes for the Easter Hat Parade