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Scheme of Delegation, Minutes & Attendance

Hook-with-Warsash C of E Academy

Hook-with-Warsash C of E Academy Trust Ltd

The Governing Body and the Scheme of Delegation


The Academy Trust and its Governing Body acts in accordance with the Articles of Association (the Articles) (see below) registered with Companies House, as required by the Companies Act 2006, on 17 July 2012, including complying with its objectives identified in the Articles.


In addition, the Trust and its Governing Body conforms to the requirements of the Department for Education (DfE) and is thus accountable to the Education and Skills Funding Agency (ESFA), which is an executive agency of the DfE. In so doing the Governing Body complies with company and charity law and its funding agreement with the ESFA.


The Academy Trust Ltd delegates the full powers and responsibility of Governance to the Governing Body, except for the responsibility to:

  • receive the Governing Body Annual Report and Accounts at its Annual General Meeting;
  • appoint auditors;
  • appoint the majority of Governors and retain oversight of the procedures for appointing or electing the remainder.

The Academy Trust comprises nine members, two of whom are Governors. Two of the members of the Trust (one a Governor) are appointed by the Diocese of Portsmouth and Winchester Board of Education.

The Governing Body comprises twenty members who are also designated Directors under Company Law and Trustees, in accordance with the regulations of the Charity Commission.


The Governing Body:

  • provides confident, strategic leadership;
  • creates robust accountability, oversight and assurance for educational and financial performance.

In so doing the Governing Body has three core functions:

  • ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction;
  • holding executive leaders to account for the educational performance of the Academy and its pupils, and for the performance management of staff;
  • overseeing the financial performance of the Academy and making sure its money is well spent.


Detail of the scope of the powers and responsibilities of the Governing Body, together with its method of operation is given in its Terms of Reference, which are reviewed and agreed annually. (see below)

In order to fulfill its responsibilities and to operate in the most effective manner the Governing Body has two main committees that have some delegated powers, meet twice termly and report to the Full Governing Body:

  • Pupil Discipline, Curriculum & Early Years (chaired by Mrs Kate Bartlett) – key delegated responsibilities:
  • ensuring that the Academy gives access to the full entitlement curriculum for all pupils;
  • ensuring that full support, including statutory arrangements, is given to all pupils with Special Educational and Disability Needs and to Pupil Premium pupils;
  • ensuring that appropriate measures are in place to safeguard and protect children;
  • reviewing and updating related policies in accordance with a published programme;
  • Resources (chaired by Mr Iain Wilkie) – key delegated responsibilities:
  • agreeing an annual budget and a three-year budget projection;
  • agreeing an annual staffing structure;
  • reviewing and updating related policies in accordance with a published programme;
  • ensuring that the Academy site provides a safe and stimulating learning environment;
  • ensuring that the Academy has in place and complies with Health and Safety procedures in order that all pupils, members of staff, volunteers and other visitors to the Academy are safe;
  • reviewing and updating related policies in accordance with a published programme;


It should be noted that although powers are delegated to these Committees all key decisions are reported to and ratified by the Full Governing Body.


There are three additional committees that meet at least once a term:

  • Forging Links, which does not have delegated powers but is charged with:
  • promoting the relationship between the Academy and the Church;
  • ensuring that the Academy maintains its character and ethos;
  • reviewing and updating related policies in accordance with a published programme;
  • Governance and Audit, which does not have delegated powers but comprises the Chair & Vice-Chair of Governors, the Committee Chairs, the Training and Development Governor and the Internal Audit Officer and is charged with:
  • co-ordinating the Governors’ input into the planning and writing of the Academy’s Annual Strategic Plan;
  • overseeing the Governors’ monitoring of the implementation of that plan*;
  • making recommendations to the Governing Body regarding the structure of Governance;
  • Pay and Appraisal, which has the delegated responsibility for:
  • overseeing the Performance Management of staff;
  • agreeing staff pay progression;
  • reporting decisions related to pay progression to the Full Governing Body
  • reviewing and updating related policies in accordance with a published programme.


The Governing Body also has a Marketing, Promotion and Media Working Group, which does not have delegated powers.


*All Governors participate in the programme of Governor Visits to monitor the implementation of Academy’s Annual Strategic Plan.

All Governors are linked with a class in the Academy as part of the Adopt-a-Governor Scheme, which serves to give pupils a better understanding of the role of the Governing Body.

Governor Panels are convened and meet for specific purposes as required.



Governor Meeting Dates 2024/25
