At Hook-with-Warsash we maintain a warm and welcoming environment and encourage informal contact with parents at the beginning and end of the day. Any request by a parent for private consultation with a class teacher or senior leader will be facilitated at the earliest convenient time.
There are also several times in a year when parents are invited in to chat to the teachers or see their child's work. For example:
Parents are invited to their child's class Collective Worship each year.
Parents have the opportunity to 'Meet the Teacher' at our September/October open evening, where they can find out about the year ahead and discuss any issues or concerns parents might have about their child academically or socially.
Parents have a consultation about progress in March and a written report sent home prior to this meeting
Parents are invited to come to an end of year consultation with their children to review pupil work and progress over the year.
There are other avenues of communication that are used to keep parents informed. For example:
The school website.
A half-termly newsletter.
A year group curriculink each half-term.
Individual letters to parents when the need arises.
Direct telephone calls (as necessary).
E-mail communication from the school. Email communication to the school:
Home visits as part of the induction process for early years pupils.
Curriculum based meetings and information leaflets provided to help their child at home.
School Governors
Regular Head teachers Updates
Welcoming new parents and children
Parents are given several opportunities to visit and find out about Hook-with-Warsash School. They:
are encouraged to visit the school prior to applying for a school place
are encouraged to visit the school during the 'Early Years Open Days’ where they are welcomed to the school and given specific information about the Foundation Stage.
Home-School Agreement
All new parents receive a copy of the Home School Contract, which they are asked to sign. The agreement outlines the parents', the children's and the school's responsibilities.
Parent Helpers
Parents are welcome as helpers in school and provide a wide range of support with children's reading, cooking, singing, stories, art and design, ICT, sport etc. However, due to security, child protection and the latest legislation, our policy is that before being permitted to work in school, or at after-school clubs, parents must be formally cleared as volunteers by the Disclosure and Barring Service. Our school Admin staff will be happy to provide any parent with further information. The school issues all parent helpers with a copy of our 'Frequently Asked Questions' sheet and any volunteer is required to sign a confidentiality agreement
Don't forget you can find all the forms you need here....