Mr Richard Paul Johnson
I was elected as a Parent Governor in March 2010. Having participated in various committees and working groups including the Academy Conversion Group and 2 years as Chair of the Finance & Personnel Committee, I became the first Chair of Governors of the new Academy. I became an appointed Governor in January 2015
My background is in telecommunications and information technology, having begun my career as an engineer in 1991. I currently run a business consultancy specializing in change management, applying my knowledge and experience of business operations, governance and direction to my clients’ needs.
I retired as a Governor on 17th October 2022 and as a consequence, under the terms of the Articles of Association I was required to step down as a Member of the Academy Trust. I was reappointed by the remaining Members as a non-Governor Member of the Trust from 19th November 2022.
Pecuniary & other interests: My property borders the boundary of the school, Director at Shellcroft Associates Ltd.
Date of appointment: 19th November 2022.