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Kate Bartlett

Mrs Kate Bartlett - Chair of the pupil discipline, curriculum and early years committee. 


I started my role as a governor in June 2016 and am delighted to have the opportunity to support my local school. I have over 18 years’ experience within the Higher Education sector working with university students, academics, the local community and national governing bodies. My experience in Higher Education is based around Student Recruitment and Widening Participation. I have managed large scale projects including residential summer schools, taster days, challenge days, large scale conferences, and volunteering and mentoring programmes. I was formerly a mentor for the universities’ career service and personal academic tutor for the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Southampton. I am currently working on the outreach project Life Lab at Southampton General Hospital. This project is based around healthy eating and life-style and I run the widening access A Level work experience project and summer school. Being a governor, I feel I can give my expertise and experience in inspiring young people to see the benefits education can give from an early age, and work with them and their parents to enhance their understanding of continuing in education. I am mother to two young children and have lived in the village for 13 years.


I am an Appointed Governor appointed by the members of the Academy Trust and my term ends on 5 June 2028. I am chair of the Pupil Discipline, Curriculum & Early Years Committee and a member of the Governance and Audit committee and the Marketing, Promotion & Media Working Group. In addition, I have a responsibility for Looked after Children, Pupil Premium, Most Able and Talented Children and Special Educational Needs.


Pecuniary and other interests: I have a child who attends the Academy.

First appointed as a Governor June 2016.


Pecuniary and other interests: I have children who attend the Academy. Outreach work with Lifelab, since September 2018.

First appointed as a Governor:  6th June 2016.

Committee Membership: Curriculum & Early Years (Chair), Governance & Audit (Vice-Chair), Marketing

Other Responsibilities: Looked after Children, Pupil Premium, Most Able and Talented Children and Special Educational Needs 

Term Ends: 6th June 2028

Updated September 2024

