The Role of a Prefect from a Prefect's point of view
Year 6 Prefects 2022-2023
At Hook-with-Warsash, Year 6 get the chance to become a prefect. In order to do this we need to write a letter to Mrs Jackson, explaining why we want this role in school. We also need to tell about her the qualities we have that would make us a suitable person for the job.
Being a prefect is not all sitting on chairs, telling people to go outside and getting special attention; there’s a lot more to the job!
Job One: Collective Worship
Just before all the classes come in from break, we set chairs out for the teachers and ourselves - teachers always have priority! Throughout Collective Worship we look out for children who are singing and sitting nicely and give them house points. We also have to create our own rota which shows who is in charge of running the computer for Collective Worship.
Job Two: House Points
As prefects, we have the job of counting the house points every half term. We then announce in Collective Worship who has won. At the end of each half-term, the house with the most house points gets an extra break or other treat.
Job Three: Light Stickers
Part of our job is to look out for children who show our LIGHT values through their words and actions. We report this to their teacher and, who then gives them a LIGHT sticker. We keep a tally of what values have been shown and report this back to Mrs Jackson.
Quotes from some of our prefects
‘I feel really important doing office duty.’
‘I enjoy the responsibilities of being a prefect.’
‘I like it when the younger ones look up to us.’
‘I love giving out LIGHT stickers when children show our values around school.’
‘I feel important when I give out house points in Collective Worship.’
‘Counting the house points is great fun.’
‘We like it when we tell the rest of the juniors who has won the most house points for the half term. Everyone gets really excited.’
‘I love it because I get to sit on the chairs in Collective Worship.’