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Luke Bailey - Chair of Governors

Mr Luke Bailey


I have lived in Warsash with my family since 2010, my wife and I were married in the church and our daughter was christened there. Being part of the community is important to us and I am delighted to be involved with the school in this role. 

Away from being a Governor I run a training provider delivering Apprenticeships across several sectors including Early Years and Hospitality. We also deliver compliance qualifications such as Personal Licence, First Aid, Safeguarding and many more.  I previously worked for a national training provider but felt the way they did things was moving away from my own reason for working in training so, along with a colleague, we set up our own provider and put learners at the forefront of everything we do. It is our belief that building a reputation on quality will create longer lasting and more sustainable success.

This core ethic has driven us to many achievements in a relatively short time and I hope that the skills and passion I have for education are something that will be useful in the role as a Governor.


I am an Appointed Governor appointed by the members of the Academy Trust and my term ends on

9 March 2025.


I am Chair of Governors, a member of the Resources committee, the Curriculum Committee and of the Governance & Audit Committee. I am the Governor with responsibility for Safeguarding and Whistle Blowing. 


Pecuniary and other interests: Director of Show Case Training – Private Training Provider. I have a child who attends the Academy.

First appointed as a governor 10th March 2017

First elected chair of governors 6th September 2021

Committee Membership: Resources, Curriculum, Governance & Audit

ResponsibilitiesSafeguarding and Child Protection, Whistle Blowing 

Term Ends: 9th March 2025





Updated October 2021


